Monday, July 5, 2010


As pastor of CBC, I've called for a two week fast for direction and guidance for our church. There are two types of fasts: public and private. This is a public one that is corporate in nature to bond us in unity as we seek together the face of God for our church in a way that humbles us and demonstrates the passion that we have to meet with Jesus.

Because it is a public fast, I will deal with the ramifications of it publicly in this blog.

As I type, my hands are shaking, my fingertips are numb, and the keys are heavy. I took a nap and am still weary. It has only been twelve hours since I've stopped eating, and I can't believe the affect it's had on me. I had no idea how hard it would be, but it's still exciting to know that I can do it for however long the Lord leads me to do it (right now it's day to day - no idea when I'm supposed to stop.) I'm embracing the moment and for now am sticking with it. In return, I'm expecting wisdom and a sense of who God is in a different way. I'm looking forward to taking my relationship with Him to a different level - not in a way of gnostic mysticism, but just simply perspective. I think I really need this.

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